Artificial Intelligence: Time to Move the Cursor

To thrive in world that is constantly morphing due to the acceleration of innovation and the velocity of disruption, we must move the AI cursor to generate a wider domain of intelligence.

The Empty Promise of Artificial Intelligence

The pursuit of AI assumes that human intelligence is worth replicating and will create a benefit for end users. But do we really want to replicate the flaws of human intelligence like prejudices, greed, and procrastination? Or the shortcomings of our processing capabilities? Merely replicating human intelligence using known patterns and outcomes might unburden us from menial tasks, but it won’t solve the most pressing problems of the future.

What is Generative Intelligence?

Generative intelligence pairs human perception and decision making capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) with the scientific disciplines of dynamic complexity and perturbation theory, supported by causal deconstruction, to create a systemic and iterative collection of rational and unbiased knowledge that exceeds human intelligence.

Risk Management in the Age of Digital Disruption

Current risk management practices, which deal mostly with the risk of reoccurring historical events, cannot help business, government or economic leaders deal with the uncertainty and rate of change driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As new innovations threaten to disrupt, business leaders lack the means to measure the risks and rewards associated with the adoption of new technologies and business models. Established companies are faltering as leaner and more agile start-ups bring to market the new products and services that customers of the on-demand or sharing economy desire—with better quality, faster speeds and/or lower costs than established companies can match.