Digital disruption has generated considerable hype, due in part to the fear and perceived risks of choosing the wrong path or passively being disrupted by competitors. We help companies plan and time disruptive moves to maintain or improve their competitive or financial position.

Identify Risk & Opportunities

When considering a disruptive move, emulation can help decision makers determine the best course of actions, associated costs and expected outcome.

Change may become necessary when new technologies and business models affect the value proposition of existing goods and services. For instance, poor system performance may be limiting a business’ ability to meet evolving market expectations.

The metrics supported by UDE help our clients clearly understand the risks of maintaining the status quo and the benefits that can be gained by making changes.

Validate Benefits of Planned Changes

If the predicted results of a proposed project show that it will be unable to deliver the desired long term improvements, UDE helps users identify the actions needed to align revenue to mark-up cost, regenerate a value chain, do more for less, or initiate a fundamental change in processes, corporate structure or infrastructure.

In this way, a proposed project can be proven as a way to outperform the actual implementation through the key effort of re-engineering before any investments are made.

Make Decisions with Confidence

If the predicted results of a proposed transformation are not aligned with business strategies and associated imperatives, it becomes clear that a disruption is needed to re-align the implementation with the business goals and objectives.

For example, if the business goal is to increase the customer base by 10X within an environment with limited scalability, improve the ability to absorb a financial crisis (such as the 2008 economic meltdown) or use an innovation (such as blockchain), then disruption may be the only feasible course.

In any case, the metrics offered through UDE will help management make the decision with full confidence in the outcome.

Manage the Execution

The emulation capabilities delivered through UDE provide an insurance mechanism to verify that the implementation will conform to the promise made to the business during the early stages of project definition.

Using emulation from the outset of a project definition allows system stakeholders to:

  • Verify that the business goals for the implementation will be met
  • Ensure the implementation will not lead to a high level of dynamic complexity
  • Test the dynamic options as scenarios in order to discover dynamic patterns
  • Keep volume, cost and quality constraints aligned

Throughout the project lifecycle, UDE can be used to discover operational risks and provide options for mitigation.

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